I am here for healing, support, encouragement, and planning - [email protected]

I support the Transition because I feel the need to be part of a larger group of like-minded individuals. 

  • Alana Gamage's Expectations

    I feel incredibly alone at my mission to help humanity transition to a new system. I need teamwork. I need a community of like-minded and kind-hearted individuals to understand what I am trying to do and want to help. I am feeling all alone in my efforts and that makes me fall into depression and then I can't take care of even my basic needs. I feel like this site may be the solution to all of my needs right now. So I am going to give it a chance.

  • Take responsibility for the future of humanity

    I am willing to do whatever it takes to help make the world a better place. As a Shaman it is my self chosen duty to heal, serve, and educate. I also lead through being a role model and a facilitator. I don't know what expectations to have for "thetransition.org" because I have not begun working with you guys yet. I am not sure what role I can best take on to assist the project nor how well it is developed to support my projects. I like what I hear so far though and I am ready to begin. I am looking for a community of like minded individuals who want to start making the world a better place! Anyone reading this can contact me to get to know me and begin working on things with me. Reach me at [email protected]. Peace, love, and joy to all!

I am an Urban Shaman wanting to help out in any way that I can to help make a transition
GOAL: $100.00
Donate on behalf of Alana Gamage: